The Ground Floor Project® is a unique resident engagement program designed by Wood Partners – the parent company of Alta University Place. The Ground Floor Project® aims to promote music, arts, and culture in every community it touches. Regular programs and events may include acoustic music, spoken word, dance, food, performance art and gallery art to inspire local artists to continue creating and encourage engagement and appreciation within our community. The Ground Floor Project® is much more than just a schedule of events – it’s a movement. One that revitalizes local culture and boosts a thriving arts scene already found in the community.
Art gallery pop-ups. Live music. Sculpture displays. You can expect arts and cultural events like these to be a regular part of your experience as a resident of Alta University Place. Our team is on a mission to create opportunities for the people who live here – from private gatherings for our residents to public shows that engage the community at-large.

Contact the team at Alta University Place to get all the latest details and to schedule a tour today.